Developer CV
This curriculum vitae/resume template is tailored for software developers to display their skills and experience in a clean and simple way. The top of the template contains space for profiles and contact information on various platforms and uses familiar FontAwesome icons. Skills in various technologies and platforms are displayed at a glance in a skill bar chart and bubbles of varying sizes. Experience at different firms is listed in an ordered list and includes examples of technologies used at each position. Finally, a free-form set of side-by-side sections let the user add any other information they would like to include.
Medium Length Professional CV
This template features clearly delimited sections and structured CV/resume content inside. A main feature of the template is the bullet point descriptions of work experience.
Stylish CV
This template features a stylish header and footer which include your name and contact information. Work experience and education are housed in custom gray boxes which, along with the large header and footer, instantly draw the eyes of the reader to the most important information in the CV. The template is just one page suitable for a recent graduate, but can be expanded to several pages for a longer CV.
Freeman CV/Resume
This flexible template arranges your categories of skills and achievements in two prominent columns. It features elegant typography and subdued use of colors to highlight the most important elements at a glance.
Awesome Resume/CV and Cover Letter
This gorgeous Resume/CV template comes with a matching cover letter template to help simplify the process of applying for your next job. Both templates feature a clean header listing your essential contact information and fields of expertise as well as a subtle matching footer. Clear sectioning within the resume/CV template ensures your achievements are easily navigated and extensively described by major heading, then minor heading, then sub-heading. The location and date(s) of each achievement or event are clearly highlighted. The cover letter template is also sectioned by major heading but these headings are not mandatory if only simple paragraphs are required.
Compact Academic CV
This curriculum vitae/resume template is designed to succinctly display your career information and works particularly well for showcasing academic careers. Academics tend to have many appointments, honours and publications which this template compresses down to single lines to maximise readability and minimise length. The design is minimalist with plenty of whitespace and a central feature of the template is the optional year labels for all entries in the CV. Entries can be easily modified to house multiple lines or further delimited in sub-sections as shown in the publications section.
Twenty Seconds Resume/CV
This simple Resume/CV template features a large sidebar with key information about you neatly presented for quick perusal. Your main skills can be quickly highlighted using progress bars ranging from novice to expert, this is particularly useful for programming languages and other skills where time is required for mastery. The template body is then presented delimited by large colored section titles (alternating gray and blue). Inside these, you can further divide content by subsection or simply write paragraphs. Lists of achievements or timelines can be constructed using one of two environments: long lists with descriptions or short one-line lists.
ModernCV CV and Cover Letter
This template uses the ‘ModernCV’ class to create a multi-page CV and cover letter. The CV is clearly structured with large section titles and important dates on a sidebar. Contact information is clearly displayed in a gray block. This class features four document themes which completely change the layout of the document, to get a preview of each of these themes see the PDF previews below. Changing themes is as simple as changing one word.
Wenneker Resume/CV
This simple and clean Resume/CV template features a two column layout with your most important information displayed in the left column for immediate overview by potential employers. This template would suit an early-mid career graduate looking for a clean, simple and elegant CV with minimal fuss.
Wilson Resume/CV
This Resume/CV template features a spacious layout with a conservative style designed to clearly and simply put forward your work experience and information. The layout is most suited to longer CVs as job descriptions can be quite extensive and can be organized with bullet points or paragraphs of text. The inclusion of a personal profile allows you to succinctly state your career goals and achievements while the skills section lets you list large amounts of technical expertise. Your contact information and your referees’ contact information is displayed in customizable blocks allowing you to expand them as needed.
Cies Resume/CV
This Resume/CV template features a compact information-rich layout suitable for a mid-career professional. A defining feature of the design is a relatively large block of two-column text at the start of the template to include a summary of interests, achievements, history, etc. This acts as a useful place to communicate information with the potential employer that may otherwise be overlooked by simply reading a list of achievements and job titles. The content is arranged primarily by employer with the ability to list multiple positions within the same company.
Deedy Resume/CV
This Resume/CV template features a large header with your name and contact information clearly displayed. The Resume/CV content is then in a two-column layout which concentrates a large amount of information in a small space. This allows you to choose which aspects of your academic and professional life to focus on depending on their importance for the position you are applying for. Major sections and their subsections are strongly deviated to grab the attention of the hiring manager.
Plasmati CV
This CV/Résumé template is perfect for students or early-career graduates with relatively little work experience. The layout is concise and best suited to few entries per section. The inclusion of grade tables on the last page of the template provides a measure of academic success in lieu of work experience and makes this template ideal for a graduate school application or the first several jobs out of college/university. The template could also be adapted for an individual with more work experience but be careful not to fill it out to much longer than two pages.
Classicthesis-Styled CV
This template combines the Classicthesis style with the currvita document layout to create a beautiful CV/Résumé. The margin is moved to the left of the document and now holds employer names, degrees or descriptions which makes for quick reference by potential employers. Major headings are clearly separated as blocks within which each entry is styled with the date, title and description. The template is quite compact and manages to squeeze references and grades for courses into small blocks of text.
Long Professional CV
This curriculum vitae template is clearly structured with bold centered category names for each section. The descriptions of tasks for each job are in bullet points. This template is conducive to longer CVs since there is no aesthetic limit to how much information can be placed in each section. Would suit a professional in the mid- to late-stage of their career.
Medium Length Graduate CV
This curriculum vitae template has section headings on the left side of the document with section content on the right. Bullet points are used to separate different tasks within each job. This document layout makes this template more suited to a short or medium length curriculum vitae taking at most two pages. Would be best used by a recent graduate with limited experience looking for their first job.