Chemical Equation Examples

This template provides a quick reference for typesetting chemical equations in LaTeX using the mhchem package which has been specifically designed to make chemical typesetting intuitive. The template starts with simple chemical notation and progresses to complex chemical equations involving a variety of interactions and notations.


This template provides a quick reference for typesetting chemical equations in LaTeX using the mhchem package which has been specifically designed to make chemical typesetting intuitive. The template starts with simple chemical notation and progresses to complex chemical equations involving a variety of interactions and notations.


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This template was created by Vel using example chemical equations in the mhchem bundle documentation by Martin Hensel.

Current Version

v1.0 (October 14, 2012)


This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

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This page last updated on: October 14, 2012