Wilson Resume/CV

This Resume/CV template features a spacious layout with a conservative style designed to clearly and simply put forward your work experience and information. The layout is most suited to longer CVs as job descriptions can be quite extensive and can be organized with bullet points or paragraphs of text. The inclusion of a personal profile allows you to succinctly state your career goals and achievements while the skills section lets you list large amounts of technical expertise. Your contact information and your referees’ contact information is displayed in customizable blocks allowing you to expand them as needed.


This Resume/CV template features a spacious layout with a conservative style designed to clearly and simply put forward your work experience and information. The layout is most suited to longer CVs as job descriptions can be quite extensive and can be organized with bullet points or paragraphs of text. The inclusion of a personal profile allows you to succinctly state your career goals and achievements while the skills section lets you list large amounts of technical expertise. Your contact information and your referees’ contact information is displayed in customizable blocks allowing you to expand them as needed. This template is most suited to mid-late career professionals with significant amounts of experience.

Important notes: this template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX due to the inclusion of a custom font. There should be a setting in your LaTeX distribution to change to XeLaTeX.


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This template was originally created by Howard Wilson but has been extensively modified for this website by Vel.

Current Version

v1.0 (January 22, 2015)


This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

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This page last updated on: January 22, 2015