Jacobs Landscape Poster

This poster template features a clean sectioned look suitable for presenting research at a conference. Important information is highlighted with colored boxes and each section within the poster is clearly separated from the others. The layout of the template contains four columns but this can be changed to accommodate varying amounts of information or figures. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster.


This poster template features a clean sectioned look suitable for presenting research at a conference. Important information is highlighted with colored boxes and each section within the poster is clearly separated from the others. The layout of the template contains four columns but this can be changed to accommodate varying amounts of information or figures. Examples of a table, figure, equation, list and bibliography are present in the template to provide a starting point for any requirement you may have for your own poster.


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This template was originally created by the Computational Physics and Biophysics Group, Jacobs University and was then modified by Nathaniel Johnston. Finally, it has been extensively modified for this website by Vel.

Current Version

v1.1 (June 14, 2014)


This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

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This page last updated on: June 14, 2014