Information Sign

This sign is best suited to displaying an informative message to the viewer. The friendly green heading at the top and serif font act to be a friendly guide to provide information or simple instructions. Additional text on the bottom of the sign provides an optional place for a further descripion, instructions or sign authorship.


This sign is best suited to displaying an informative message to the viewer. It does this by using a friendly green box at the top which draws notice, but not in the same way as a danger sign. The main message of the sign is set in a serif font in sentence case, which further gives a casual feel to the sign. Finally, the additional text at the bottom of the sign acts as a place for a further description, instructions or to state who is responsible for the sign.


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This template was created by Vel.

Current Version

v1.1 (February 25, 2022)


This template is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Click here to see what this license means for your use of the template.

Usage Guide


This template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX due to the custom fonts it uses. It contains a line in the header that should make this happen automatically, but if it doesn’t for you, set your LaTeX editor to compile with XeLaTeX each time you open the template. Alternatively, if you compile via the command line, use the xelatex command instead of pdflatex.

Sign Content Commands

Several custom commands are present in the template for outputting the three parts of the sign.

\informationheading This command takes a single parameter for the top sign heading, automatically capitalized. The text you enter will split to new lines if it is too long, but it is not recommended to have more than three lines for this text.

\informationtext This command takes the main message of the sign in its single parameter. The text you enter will be automatically capitalized and you may specify new lines manually with the standard \\.

\additionaltext This command takes a single parameter for the additional instructions text at the bottom of the sign. Text entered will be italicized automatically. You may specify new lines manually with the standard \\. Leave this command empty (i.e. \additionaltext{}) if this text is not required.

Sign Settings Commands

Custom lengths are present in the template for specifying the font sizes of the three sign elements. It is important to choose the correct size for your sign text in order to make the sign stand out effectively.

\informationheadingfontsize This command (length) sets the font size of the top sign heading, specified in points, e.g. 70pt. This should be a large value to draw the viewer's eye to the sign.

\informationtextfontsize This command (length) sets the font size of the main sign text, specified in points, e.g. 58pt.

\additionaltextfontsize This command (length) sets the font size of the additional text at the bottom of the sign, specified in points, e.g. 36pt.

If you wish to change the color of the green box at the top of the sign, find the definition of the headingbackground color in the SIGN SETTINGS block in the template and change the the RGB values to change the color.

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This page last updated on: February 25, 2022