
This template is for creating a single page cheatsheet. Cheatsheets act as a reference for shortcuts in an application but can also be used as a reference for commands, symbols, functions, equations and any other use case where there are many ways to do something. The template features a three column layout to pack in a large amount of information into the single page. Each column is further subdivided by headings and blocks of similar commands are separated by spaces.


This template is for creating a single page cheatsheet. Cheatsheets act as a reference for shortcuts in an application but can also be used as a reference for commands, symbols, functions, equations and any other use case where there are many ways to do something. The template features a three column layout to pack in a large amount of information into the single page. Each column is further subdivided by headings and blocks of similar commands are separated by spaces. A title clearly identifies what the cheatsheet is for and a footnote identifies who made it, the URL and license.


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This template was created by Michael Müller with extensive modifications by Vel.

Current Version

v1.0 (December 12, 2015)


This template is licensed under a MIT License license.

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This page last updated on: December 12, 2015